Ap Kaisa main weakness is a horrendous 1-2 item phase, shiv massive wave clear makes scaling so much easier and laning as a solo laner (flex in pro) is almost exclusively due to shiv wave clear. When compared to Triforce, Stridebreaker has 100 more health, 10% less attack speed, 10 more AD, and equal AH. Tried it few times top lane vs ranged. The most optimal Mythic items for Garen currently are Trinity Force and Stridebreaker. The first and most important use is the ability to stick to targets. I usually run SB because I personally don’t like to build Bork unless the enemy comp is relatively tanky, which I rarely run into tanky team comps. E-W-Q-Stridebreaker-Flash. the whole point is that a class main weakness got completelly removed, by firstly runes and spells and now a item, its the assassin job to be able to catch the enemy carry out of position, not a Camille. Join. Health: 300 ⇒ 375Always at some point, depending on how much mana you need during lane. The movespeed while hitting enemies sounds also great. 2. Garen regenerates 1. Diamond I. 1. 1 / 3 / 16. 398 Matches. Stridebreaker has a straight up break in the function when it gets completed, going from having some components to having a dash all of a sudden is gamechanging in a way that modest extra damage will not be. worked out well to be honest, the early sustain and 300 hp felt nice along side the move speed. However, like what you’ve mentioned, I do think Stridebreaker is a really good item to build when you’re facing champions that are extremely mobile and also kind of good if the team is lacking an initiator. . Mid Tryndamere started out as something I did so I could play more roles than top, since I’m only good at Tryndamere. Find the best Kai'Sa decks for the current Legends of Runeterra meta, created and rated by players like you! Get a full deck breakdown including decklist, build, mana curve, card rarities, and which region and champion combinations are best for Kai'Sa decks. I was trying this new AD build on Katarina on a smurf and I found a lot of success. its. Every other build is better than bruiser. TFT Guardbreaker Item Guide Set 10 Patch 13. 10 % of the time which is 1. Stridebreaker is a great follow-up skill to slow enemies down, so Jhin can hit his 4 bullets ultimate. For instance, people are catching up to the best way to counter a ranged champions going top: Stridebreaker. It's scaling is pretty similar for ult and E. 66 % lower against Kai'Sa than the average opponent. A shield, a slow, an on-hit effect, a knockback, and burst damage filled in between it all. The light buff here gives it more damage but less durability than Goredrinker, though solidly more durability than Trinity Force as an attack speed option. I was saying the conceptual problem was the same - not the balance problems. Kai'Sa S12 - Hybrid Void Monster!. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. SSF ultimatum. 99 Top 459. After you used it, the enemy's have a 90sec window to punish you hard for not having mobility. Hope that helps. 23, Stridebreaker has been a defining item in the top lane meta, but things are about to change. 6% win rate with 7. Cleave's on-hit damage benefits from life steal. U. Stridebreaker Xin Zhao. 375 Health. We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. CryptoBriar Passive causes her targets to bleed whenever they take damage from Briar's attacks, both abilities and basic attacks. Build ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz Pro Builds Trends Matchups & Counters. 71. It's a faster doublecast, if you will. ; Halting Slash's cast breaks stealth. The items active allows you to lunge a short distance, dealing damage to enemies and slowing them briefly. 10/31/2023 (13. Based on our analysis of 4 585 matches in patch 13. Frostfire if I am frontline in team fights and as base. If Gnar lands on a unit he will bounce off it, traveling further. Shen build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. 93 % more often than would be expected. There's a reason why Stridebreaker was removed first. 320 Matches. throwawayjhu5482 • 3 yr. The 11. 328DPS). can build 2 different mythics with. Many champs that buy stridebreaker dont have a gapcloser like that for a reason. I have changed the build but I still keep same mysteries as I did before , and I have noticed that the guy who I pick that build from is playing Electrocute and I. However, if you want the most. So Stridebreaker as I stated further down, it is indeed the best bruiser item in terms of offense and defense, most damage capability and has a lot of utility. According to League stats site lolalytics, Nocturne’s premiere Stridebreaker build brought the champion to a 55. 66 % lower against Kai'Sa than the average opponent. You. ; All turret inventories. Botrk into Stridebreaker into PD popped up as an alternative kiting build. Also read: Best ADCs to Pair With Pyke. 170. Stridebreaker really shines against bruisers such as Riven, Irelia, and Jax who have a lot of mobility in 1 / 3 / 16. Ive seen Drututt play Kaisa top and tried it myself and so far its been a super fun experience. Eclipse if the enemy team is really tanky and low on damage. 23. Lethal Tempo, POM, Bloodline, Coup De Grace, Magic Boots, Biscuits, Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor/Health (Pick health if they have an AD and AP botlane such as. I tested the damage difference from a full combo where I did the same. Find the best Kai'Sa build guides for League of Legends S13 Patch 13. Join. 12. R. DE QUALQUER JEITO, BANAM! VAMOS. We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. 16 CS - 8. The mask is 100% handmade, and I still have to make the costume, so I bought a random one online. Q evolve Doran + dirk + 2 king sword + whip. 5 / 3 / 3. Stridebreaker and Triforce are equally good depending on team comp. 1. ago. No longer does 5% missing HP damage on-hit and on-ability at maxe Carve stacks. So guess what build I tried today. Even Kaisa who used to be one of the best galeforce user wants to evade this item. 98. + Sustainable. LoL Patch 13. Duskblade of Draktharr's mythic passive can grant up to 25 ability haste and 25 bonus movement speed with 5 other Legendary items. 0% win rate with 6. What's your reason for preferring Stride for a skirmisher type Quinn build? Also I would recommend building Hullbreaker when going this type of build cuz the item is pretty OP on Quinn, esp if you wanna go high HP Quinn and not run Cut. looking at the most purchased mythic for the 20 marksmen botlane: 45% (50%) kraken: vayne, ashe, tristana, mf, jinx, twitch, aphelios, senna, kaisa, (lucian) kraken is built over 80% of the time and has better results, it suck even as a situationnal item. Hop: Gnar leaps, gaining 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% attack speed for 6 seconds. Jak'Sho even does better in that regard. It doesn't give lethality, which isn't great for roaming with W. Fiora top has a 52. Stridebreaker gives tanks some heavy stats, but with its dash, it allows even an immobile champion to have a huge advantage in one-on-one fights. homer12346. Build: BF-sword + pick + longsword + longsword (1300 + 875 + 350 + 350 for 85 ad + 8 from dorans, needing 7 ad from level up, which means q can be evolved around lvl 6) Cheaper q-rush + earlier possible, double long sword still go into noonquiver into mythic with the pick, the bf sword is for the ie/bt third. 13 was being tested on the PBE server, most players have already thought that Stridebreaker would be severely nerfed. Short answer, yes. 1% win rate with 7. There are other reasons such as the sticking power etc but the most important one is the stat profile of the item. stridebreaker? Hey guys, I've been doing some pyke testing with the new mythics, and happened on stridebreaker. Kai'Sa bottom has a 49. Hecarim is a champion in League of Legends. Fiora wins against Kai'Sa 53. I tend to stay away from Evenshroud after its nerfs. 36 % higher against Kai'Sa than the average opponent. Stridebreaker is probably the most fun build, but i feel like it doesn't scale very well. These items all work great on kaisa and if the game demands it or you just feel like it you can definitely build them. Useful option for indecisive players because MS is arguably Udyr's best stat. 5/2/2. I just find that it's far too easy to simply walk away or use one of the ridiculous number of mobility spells every champion seems to have nowadays. Meaning you can start going auto, Q, auto, Q once you have the right combo of items and augments. This LoL Kai'Sa guide for ADC at Platinum+ on 13. 3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked S tier. Be sure to Like, comment and subscribe!Check out my Stream: 🔥🔥🔥Check Out My Poppy guide here: 🔥👉Ch. Stridebreaker: Dash range increased from 200 to 300 Active damage lowered from 100% AD to 75% AD Slow decreased from 65% to 40%. Darius/Garen, or fiora for proccing her ult faster. 0% pick rate in and is currently ranked D tier. movement speed, sheen and even more dmg in longer fights were ALL that zeri could want. Something I noticed is that Kayle's already lethal match-ups, Sett, Darius, Renekton, etc, are now building Stridebreaker. ; Threefold Strike's flat movement speed boost does not interact with other percentage increases. 95 / 3. You do miss out on a lot of sustain, but I feel like it is much better for snowballing. As a result, deleting its dash appeared to be a nice solution to this problem. 23 P Q W E R Kai'Sa with U. Passive – Fury of the Xer’Sai:Kraken -> trinity/stridebreaker -> pd/wits end - A lower damage build for those unplayable games (rakan, lissandra, kha zix) so you just want to disrupt enemy attention as much as possible, rather than killing themStridebreaker This item is actually quite strong. Then you can round out your build with Warmogs, Randuins, Steraks, Frozen heart, Dead man's, etc. Most picked runes for Briar Jungle are Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and. 200 units dash (used to be 150 on release, 300 after the minirework), 60s flat CD, no slow, 175% base AD damage. Just noticed it on op. Birthday: Samira On a day like today, September 21, 3 years ago in 2020, Samira, the Desert Rose was Released. Join. Based on our analysis of 132 768 matches in patch 13. Stridebreaker (mythic item): AD increased from 50 to 60. Stridebreaker AD lowered from 50 to 45 Ability haste increased from 10 to 20. I personally go prowler into edge of night and then start building health items like BC. 134. TFT Guardbreaker Item Guide Set 10 Patch 13. GA, Everfrost (it's a channel), Prowler's Claw, Hextech, Stridebreaker, Goredrinker and maybe something else) This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castNotes. League of Legends V11. Stridebreaker. I always build AD for Shyvana. I like Stridebreaker because when I chase down an enemy carry it slows them down and I can reach them more easily. Stridebreaker is on a 20sec cd (+ affected by ability haste)and is meant for bruisers who will sit above 2k hp + resistances and doesnt get insta punished by a single mistake (aka instant nuked by carries on enemy team) Stridebreaker is just more broken with its low cd, you can do it twice in a teamfight easily. Gale cause of mobility is king, stride cause cc is queen and frost cause BEEF. Akali Icon coming soon. So, I was not really satisfied with the current meta kaisa builds. Each one increases her Style, from “E” to “S” grade (6 total). Advice welcome :) 113. Yes galeforce is super strong but it doesnt enable adcs to be game breaking/meta changing. Overall, the build path feels good for any of these. Volibear top is a strong counter to Yasuo, Yorick & Irelia while Volibear is countered most by Vayne, Gnar & Teemo. 22. I GOT THE WORLD RECORD KAI'SA Q UPGRADE (SECRET 8 MINUTE EVOLVE HACK)League of Legends season 13 Kai'Sa Gameplay!Check out my website!:. 23 Build. I think it is more about the champions that build them having 1 directional kits than the items themselves tho I GOT THE WORLD RECORD KAI'SA Q UPGRADE (SECRET 8 MINUTE EVOLVE HACK)League of Legends season 13 Kai'Sa Gameplay!Check out my website!: Kai'Sa Jungle has 36. he doesn't even get picked in pro play much cause his safety isn't meaningful. 0% win rate with 2. I was not saying it was just as bad as Stridebreaker. 23 the best build for Tryndamere is Kraken Slayer, Berserker's Greaves, Stridebreaker, Hullbreaker, and Phantom Dancer. For items, our build recommends: Stridebreaker, Plated Steelcaps, The Collector, Blade of The Ruined King, Black Cleaver, and Sterak's Gage. 5 Patch 13. 8% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. I tried him with yasukeh setup but I felt that it lacked damage, and most of the time, phase rush ms was a overkill, since with stridebreaker it's really hard to kite trynd, (not saying that yasukeh has the wrong. The highest win rate Kai'Sa build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for ADC. Within 5 seconds of being active, Sett ’s next two autos will both gain 50 bonus attack range (does not stack with Right Punch range) and will deal 10/20/30/50 AD and an additional 1% of the target’s maximum health (scaling by 1/1. Yeah, you heard me right. Join. 22 coming in at rank 5 of 96 and graded S Tier on the LoL Tierlist. 20 Ability Haste. I have to say that it seems like an improvement to my style of play. Nightstalker will amplify all damage types, including true damage. 22 coming in at rank 42 of 96 and graded B+ Tier on the LoL Tierlist. Then for my final two items, I built Sterak's into Black Cleaver. More flat damage with the %-amp. 49%. Darius always go stridebreaker as an exemple, while champions like jhin, kaisa, most mages, etc. HP>resistances so just get tabi and call it good. The same counts for nasus, i go divine vs him so i can even face him later in the game. but doesn't have a lot of core users that are able to use it effectively in its current state. CONS. 7% a win rate and 0. Briar Jungle has a 53. ago. 68 seconds cd on your Steel Tempest combined with Berserker's Greaves, 38% crit and also 7% movement speed. • 2 yr. Its a tough choice, but I don't think Garen/Darius utilize gore as well as say Aatrox. Samira gains 2 / 2. Kaisa has 2 channels in her kit, Void Seeker (W) and Supercharge (E), you can use either to cancel evolve and if you run Teleport you can use that as well. Hence Maw has a 100%-135% AP ratio on the shield, or Everfrost. As the game progresses, the most popular Darius items are Dead Man's Plate and Sterak's Gage. AGRADEÇAM DEPOIS!!!! SE NAO FOR A DE STRIDEBREAKER, VAI SER A DE DUSKBLADE(E CPA ESSA EH BROKEN). He has two mobility abilities. Everything in this guide is relevant to top as well as mid. Tryndamere Top has a 51. I think stridebreaker would be fun on warwick, this item also provides attackspeed and lots of ad which will be very appealing with the buffs on his passive. ; Halting Slash is an auto-targeted effect. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Garen build & runes against Kai'Sa. Consider looking through the rune setups for different matchups, and all top matchups. 1. Kai'Sa can also be played in other roles, but we focus on position Adc in this LoL Kai'Sa guide as it fits the current meta in S13 very well. Simple answer is : the stats are much better on stridebreaker for garen and the goredrinker active isn’t that great on him. A dash coupled with a slow and the bonus damage is enough to put the enemy in ultimate range 99% of the time without you needing 5 stacks. movement speed, sheen and even more dmg in longer fights were ALL that zeri could want. 23 the best build for Nocturne is Stridebreaker, Plated Steelcaps, Black Cleaver, Death's Dance, and Guardian Angel. However, stridebreaker champs have a different weakness now. Not Updated For Current Season. 286. If lane is super chill, you can start it. Overall, it’s a great choice for champions that want to close the gap and chase their. Edit: According to this Challenger Senna player's post, Stridebreaker is indeed viable on Senna and very much slept on as sleeper viable!! We have gotten our answers :3. 10. Goredrinker's mythic passive can grant up to 375 bonus health and 15 ability haste with 5 other Legendary items. Since patch 11. Tryndamere Top vs Kai'Sa Bottom Build & Runes. Guardbreaker. A rush strat followed by Korean Yasuo players, you will have 1. 4 rundown he mentions that Aatrox has a 3% winrate increase on games where he runs stridebreaker. Welcome to patch 13. While I don't care about the active damage reduced (hell i would even take the item without active damage at. Naafiri EXPERT GUIDE. 12. The best Volibear players have a 55. Most picked runes for Briar Jungle are Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and. His autos would still do a fair amount of damage since you build AD and have %20% attack speed. Bouncing off an enemy deals 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 plus 6% of max health as physical damage and briefly slows by 80% for 0. Vayne compare the impact of them in the context where rhey are being used, not just look at numbers and call it a day a garen uses stridebreaker to take a favorable trade, annie uses rocketbelt to dash into tibbers range and oneshot, jhin uses galeforce to avoid naut hook in teamfight/jumps away from the kha6 and then oneshots him back etc good mobilty and survivablity in late game. TheSenator147 • 1 yr. Hearthbound axe helps u a lot against poke comp so u can rush it in laning phase. You get nice slow, extra health, movement speed, armor shred & ability haste. They both have a lot of mobility, do a lot of damage and both scale pretty well. Hullbreaker (legendary item): AD increased from 50 to 60. This was foreseeable to everyone except Riot that. To have the best chance of vanquishing Kai'Sa as Garen, you should use the Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Gathering Storm, Second Wind, and Overgrowth runes from the Sorcery and Resolve rune sets. Glaical Augment is the best rune because of how Stridebreaker can proc the active. The item's slow wasn't even used at it's full potential for Darius because the moment you use Stridebreaker on Darius to gapclose, most of the time you're already going to use Stridebreaker=>E immediately, which meant the Slow wasn't even being used since it's overlapping CC. 59. AD shyvana is the shit, i started playing her on top and lost only a few matchups. This is just wrong - the only thing that the damage of doesn't scale with AD is the ult. • 21 days ago. Go armor if they have a double AD botlane such as Samira + Nautilus) and then build whatever you need for the game. Tryndamere wins against Kai'Sa 51. Majority of champions are happy as long as they manage to leave the fight against Renekton. gg and saw anecdotal evidence of some pros trying it. Stridebreaker gives u all the stats that are ACTUALLY good on Ashe: Attack Speed, Solid AD, 20 Haste, 300 Health, Movement Speed Passive. Goredrinker doesn't feel bad but I think I prefer the slow from Stridebreaker. Total Price: 3300 | Recipe Price: 300 | Sell Price: 2310. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Kai'Sa build & runes against Ezreal. Utility Pyke. Stridebreaker is a great follow-up skill to slow enemies down, so Jhin can hit his 4 bullets ultimate. Nimble: Dealing physical damage grants you 20 Move Speed on hit for 2 seconds, increased to 60 if it kills the unit. • 2 yr. 9 per bonus attack damage) physical damage. Goredrinker, Eclipse, Divine Sunderer, Prowler's Claw, Stridebreaker, and Duskblade are all totally viable options depending on what you need. Also you always ideally fight with ghost flash up. 100. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics League of Legends Real-time strategy MOBA Strategy video game Gaming comments sorted by Best Top. I haven't had this much jawdropping and fun in a game in a while. Game over, gg. 22 the best build for Briar is Stridebreaker, Plated Steelcaps, Black Cleaver, Sterak's Gage, and Death's Dance. When Garen combined at least these three pieces. Stridebreaker [REMOVED] Halting Slash no longer dashes the user 300 units Halting Slash Damage TAD Ratio: 75% >>> 150% Slow: 40% decaying over 2 seconds. Sett Counters. Thirsting Slash's cast breaks stealth. Release: Briar unleashes a scream that deals up to 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+100% of ability power) (+1. Glad they gave her the mask. It has every stat you want – health to cast more spells, AD to hurt your enemies even more and ability haste to access your E – Chilling. Attack Damage increased to 50 from 45 Damage dealt by Active – Halting Slash changed to [175% base AD physical damage] from [100% AD physical damage] Saw these changes today and considering it is indeed happening, I was wondering what will be the state of Stridebreaker after the changes. Garen wins against Kai'Sa 51. You're basically losing out on either your E's full damage, or the main damage from Trinity (stacking AD and spellblade). In most cases Trinity Force is a superior item for trading, splitting and just overall. Because people are slow to adapt. 8. Miss Fortune Stuns as the SI Swimsuit Cover Girl in her Pool Party fit (BobaDelivery) 130. 48%. 4 second period (based on bonus attack speed), the first dealing 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+ 30% AD) physical damage to all enemies in an arc and the second dealing 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+ 75% AD) damage and slowing. Then you get flash + kill. Viable fill items. 23. that's why it has a low pick rate and high win rate in mid lane, it's pretty far from top lane crit mythic trynd. The movespeed from the on-hit of stridebreaker allows akshan to kite more forgivingly and even boost his movespeed if he cancels his second auto to give him the champion. After normalising both champions win rates Kai'Sa wins against Ezreal 1. 65 / 2. It also gives a good amount of health, attack damage, and a small amount of attack speed. ; Halting Slash has a brief cast time equal to 100% of the. With high numbers that can win at low. He was sitting in the 49-50ish spot all over the board. Stridebreaker gives AD, attack speed, health, and ability haste. This is a loss of 300 aoe dmg on. Bro ure toplaner. Against them I go phase rush and honestly the movement steal you get from stridebreaker is too good in addition to that. Eclipse Stridebreaker Jak'Sho, The Protean Duskblade of Draktharr Goredrinker Youmuu's Ghostblade. Let's just say they had no chance. Personally, I hate the item, except into very specific. I have tried both playstyles of stridebreaker and splitpushing or dueling etc. Slowing the enemy and then charging your Q seems really OP. In addition, dealing physical damage grants extra movement speed. With it's large AoE slow, it's really difficult to lane into the champions now, way harder than before. This item is. There’s quite a bit of changes coming to Rek’Sai. Sett wins against Kai'Sa 52. Build ARAM Arena Nexus. I Rushed BORK and Ravenous Hydra then built defensive boots into Stridebreaker. Battle Fury Tryndamere's Passive. Runes, items, and skill build in patch 13. If lanes rough, but you can manage mana, I usually buy it after Heartsteel for earlier stacking and start ring. Stridebreaker gives Garen the mobility to apply pressure safely and easily retreat when they send 3. Giving a dash to darius and garen makes it so that champs whose weakness is being kited are no longer kiteable. Hence why I am not a fun of a non-crit mythic. Vayne. kraken is built over 80% of the time and has better results, it suck even as a situationnal item. 7% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. The new item grants AD, AP, and critical strike chance. So, I am just going with stridebreaker right now because everything else also sucks it just sucks lessPress J to jump to the feed. Happy shy Comboing :)Stridebreaker item HD. Stridebreaker's attack speed and phage passive definitely make Aatrox feel better, but I wanted to see what you guys think? There’s too many factor to just say “3% increase = Stridebreaker better. 22 the best build for Briar is Stridebreaker, Plated Steelcaps, Black Cleaver, Sterak's Gage, and Death's Dance. when kaisa drops pickrates, you will see ezreal complaint threads. Tapping her down a bit as she's clearly the best/one of the best picks, especially in Elite rn. You can use the speed to disengage from fights or chase people down. The 40% slow for 3 seconds is very huge and is a pain to deal with, especialy if it hits multiple targets, witch is something aatrox can do with his. 3%. Furthermore I read all the comments so far and OP is simply crying that their champ isn't broken anymore and simply goes for the option to play another pretty strong meta champ like Irelia. Electrocute is super strong for short trades and burst, especially with Stridebreaker since you can proc it really easily by auto attacking once or twice, using Stridebreaker and then using your E Two-Shiv Poison Boots of Swiftness is super strong along with Stridebreaker because of he 2% extra movement speed per mythic item as it amplifies. Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing 175 / 275 / 375 (+110% of ability power) (+0. Sett Top vs Kai'Sa Bottom Build & Runes. Kai'Sa S12 - Hybrid Void Monster!. The way I see it is that stridebreaker made it easier for Darius to close the gap while goredrinker helped more once that gap was closed. In addition to the several items getting nerfed in Patch 11. 1 . Stridebreaker after 11. Hey there, based on your chosen flair you seem to be looking for. stridebreaker also has the same attack speed as galeforce. 22 / 19. 3) there was a note about stridebreaker being castable during snares bug being fixed, I went to check if going through walls is fixed as well and it was. Ionian Boots of Lucidity Mercury's Treads Plated Steelcaps. Fetial • 2 yr. The damage from the active is decent for an active on a sub-20 second cooldown and the slow helps you run people down, or to slow. Nilah whirls her whip-blade, dealing 60 / 120 / 180 (+0. Legends of Runeterra decks on RuneterraFire. Garen was never the best sheen user anyways, his cooldowns are a tad too long. 12. Once she begins to snowball, she can start destroying teams with her ultimate, Inferno Trigger. Stridebreaker gives Garen the mobility to apply pressure safely and easily retreat when they send 3. Hp good. 22 includes runes, items, skill order, and counters. 35K subscribers in the settmains community. Go Stride -> Mortal -> Deadmans/FON for free LP :) Wave clear from this build and Garen spin is insane, you can literally clear a cannon.